




The Important Aspect of My College Life: Friends from the Tennis Circle

There are various aspects in college life such as studying a particular subject deeply and working part-time to gain social experience. Among them, I cherish the friends I made at the university’s tennis circle and there are three reasons for it.
The first reason is that they work hard to improve their skills of playing tennis. I like tennis and wanted to become good at it, so I joined the tennis circle. Everybody in the circle loves tennis like me and we have a common goal of improving our skills, so it is fun to practice together.
The second reason is that there is a sense of comfort that I can feel when I am with them because we spend a lot of time together. We not only practice tennis, but also travel together, so we are together for a long time. The more time we spend together, the more comfortable we feel with each other because we get to know and understand each other.
The third reason is that they also help me. When it comes to tennis, I often participate in tournaments, so to win a match, my friends give me both technical and emotional support. Apart from tennis, I talk about my future with them because I worry about it. My friends listen to me seriously and give me advice which lead to my own growth.
My friends from the tennis circle are very important to me because they fulfill my life and make me grow as a person.


3つ目の理由は、私のことも助けてくれるからです。テニスの場合、大会に参加することが多いので、試合に勝つために、友人たちは技術的な面でも精神的な面でもサポートしてくれています。 また、テニス以外では、自分の将来について悩んだり、相談したりすることもあります。真剣に話を聞いてくれて、アドバイスをしてくれる仲間は、自分の成長にもつながっています。