




My laboratory experience

My major is biochemistry. So, I belong to a biological research laboratory since I am in my last year of university. Before I joined the laboratory, I could not imagine what my laboratory experience would be. It’s a place that you plan and do experiments in order to clarify what is unknown. At first, I struggled to understand my research theme and how to use the research equipment, but now I’m able to use it by myself. My research theme is to clarify the mechanism of the synthesis of bacterial cellulose, which is used to make a variety of products. I’m now interested in working on this because it can be used to produce new types of material, and it can also be used in various fields, such as in medicine and food production. If successful, it will surely make our lives more comfortable.
My laboratory life is not always exciting, and sometimes I have to deal with setbacks as experiments don’t go well every time. When I encounter setbacks, I tend to lose my motivation and feel that I want to give up. However, I am able to regain motivation and keep working hard when I see my lab mates who work hard and don’t give up. I really appreciate my lab mates for being friendly and supportive. We are reaching the end of our undergraduate life, and most of us will go our own ways after graduating. However, I will not forget this year, and I will put a lot of effort into my graduation thesis and enjoy the rest of my laboratory life with my lab mates.


私の専攻は微生物化学です。現在4年生であり、中国足彩网室に所属しています。中国足彩网室に入る前は、自分の中国足彩网室生活がどのようなものになるのか想像もつきませんでした。 中国足彩网室は、未知のものを解明するために自ら計画し、実験をする自主性が求められる場所です。最初は自分の中国足彩网テーマを理解することや、実験器具の使い方を覚えることに苦労しましたが、今では概ね自分で使えるようになりました。私の中国足彩网テーマは、バクテリアセルロースの合成メカニズムを解明することです。解明することで工業分野だけでなく、医療や食品分野など幅広い分野への応用が効くので興味深いです。私たちの生活をより快適なものにしてくれるに違いありません。