




Performing a Play on the Stage

 A play—standing on the stage, feeling the lights on me, taking in all the sounds, listening to the other actors’ breathing, weaving words. It wasn't until I became a university student that I stepped into the world of theater. It was a moment that fulfilled my longing.
 The university theater club I belong to values the atmosphere created by the interaction among the actors. Everything happening on stage is a lie, but it feels true because we’re seeing hearts and minds collide.
My friend once told me that a play is a way which makes it easy for people to understand each other, and I believe that. When performing in a play, we are legitimately allowed to intervene each other’s personal space. We get to know our backgrounds and share our thoughts. Collide, think. How are we different or the same? It is an essential act for the actors who play people who are different from themselves.
Often I think. If people all over the world performed in a play, there would be no conflict or discrimination. However, I understand that it is impossible and that not everyone sees the plays the same way as I do.
 In March next year, I will be performing in a play with new people. People who don't know me or whom I don't know. I’m not sure how it will turn out. Still, I want to enter someone's life as an actor and see our hearts and minds collide because on the stage, we are allowed to do that.

