




My Experience at the History Club

 I am a sophomore in university and belong to the history club. In this club, each member makes a presentation about the background of their field of interest at a weekly online meeting. I joined this club because of the history class I took last year. The class was very interesting, and I wanted to study more. When I was in high school, I did not like studying history because it was all about memorizing events and dates. The history club in university seemed to have an easygoing atmosphere, so I thought I could enjoy it. However, in fact, most of the club members were knowledgeable about history, and I sometimes could not keep up with their conversations.
 Then, my turn to make a presentation came up. I borrowed some books from the library and read them, but they were difficult for me. Preparation for the presentation was very hard, but I tried my best because making a presentation was required for all members of the club.
 On the day of my presentation. I was nervous but managed to finish it. After that, the members commented on my presentation. I expected that they would point out my faults. However, their reaction was unexpected. They said such nice things as, “I learned a lot. It was interesting” and “It was good, so be confident!” I was glad and felt relieved to hear those comments. I still do not have much knowledge about history, but this experience made me think that I want to learn more about it.

