




About Psychology

I am currently studying psychology at Japan Women's University. Since enrolling, I have gained two main insights from my time at Japan Women's University so far.
The first is that I have grown to like psychology. I chose the Department of Psychology because I had a vague interest in the field. However, after I enrolled in the Department of Psychology at Japan Women's University and took specialized courses in psychology, I was surprised to find that they were different from what I had imagined. In my mind, I only had an image of psychology as clinical psychology. However, psychology has a wide range of fields such as perceptual and cognitive psychology, and learning psychology. By learning about fields that I did not know about, I could make new discoveries and further deepen my interest. It is both satisfying and quite fun to expand your own interests.
The second thing is the importance of teamwork. In the Department of Psychology, we have psychology experiment classes in the first and second years, and while some experiments are done alone, many of the first-year experiments are done in pairs or groups, and we coordinate with each other in order to complete the experiments smoothly. In an experiment using rats, there is a process of deciding what to use for the experiment within the group. By sharing opinions within the group, we can decide what we need to use in order to get different results. By having a greater diversity of opinions, we can come up with a better variety of possible options. Through group discussions, therefore, I learned the enormous benefits of working together as a group.
These two things are what I have gained from my student life at Japan Women's University. I would like to make use of them in my future life as well.

