




Expressing My Own Opinions

?It has been difficult for me to express my feelings and thoughts since I was a child. My mother helped me a lot with essays when I was a primary school student, and even now, I sometimes rely on her when I have trouble expressing myself.
 There seem to be three main reasons why I am not good at communicating my thoughts. First, my Japanese language skills are incomplete. From seven months old to 12 years old, I lived in Shanghai because of my father’s work and attended a local school. I used Chinese at school and Japanese at home, so I feel that my Japanese skills are not as good as other Japanese people of my age. Secondly, I am generally not good at organizing my thoughts. They tend to be scattered, and I cannot seem to keep them together. As a result, I sometimes cannot convey my ideas effectively to others. The third reason is that I never grew up to express my opinions. When I was a child, I was very quiet and someone always spoke for me. Because of this, I did not have many opportunities to think about and express my own opinions.
 However, this situation is gradually changing these days because I have been learning how to communicate my opinions in university. This year marks the eighth year since I returned to Japan. In the beginning, writing essays was a hard training for me. However, I began to get used to it as I learned how to present my opinion clearly first and then support it with main points. I still have trouble with communicating sometimes, but I find it much more enjoyable than before. I would like to work as a psychology counselor in the future, so I would like to keep improving so that I can communicate with people more smoothly.

