



オンライン留学“Class Live”に参加して

Participating in the Online Study Abroad Program: “Class Live”

I participated in the online study abroad program from March to May. The name of the program is “Class Live”. The reasons I participated in this program were that I wanted to improve my English skills and to talk to foreign people. I like English and I am interested in foreign cultures.
The teachers were very kind, friendly and really funny. Also, they are good at teaching. So I could learn English with enjoyable. The more I took classes, the more I got along with the teacher and talked about various things. In group lessons, I studied with foreign students. I introduced them to Japanese culture and could learn about their countries’ cultures.

In terms of learning English, there was a big discovery for me. It was that I was not good at listening and speaking though I was good at reading and writing. When I expressed my opinions, the grammar often got messed up. Also, pronouncing words correctly was difficult for me. I noticed these were my weaknesses early on, so I took classes aiming to improve my speaking. Yet, when I finished Class Live, I could speak English with correct grammar and better pronunciation.

Through Class Live, I felt familiar with English and was able to improve my language skills. I also realized the joy of talking to people in other countries using the shared language of English. I highly recommend Class Live. I would like to participate again if I have the opportunity. Thank you.

オンライン留学“Class Live”に参加して

私は3月から5月にかけてオンライン留学プログラムに参加しました。このプログラムの名前はClass Liveです。英語のスキルを伸ばすとともに外国人と話したかったのでこのイベントに参加しました。私は英語が好きで、外国の文化に興味があります。
英語学習の面では大きな発見がありました。それは、私は英語の読み書きは得意だが、聞くこと、話すことが苦手ということでした。自分の意見を述べようとすると、文法がぐちゃぐちゃになってしまいます。また、正しく発音することも難しかったです。私はこれら私の弱点に早く気付くことが出来たので、スピーキングの向上を目標として授業に臨みました。Class Liveが終わる頃には、正しい文法を用いて以前より良い発音で英語を話すことが出来ていました。
Class Liveを通して、英語を身近に感じるとともに英語のスキルを上げることが出来ました。また、ほかの国の人と同じ言語を用いて話すことの楽しさを実感しました。Class Liveはとてもおすすめです。機会があればまた参加したいです。ご清読ありがとうございました。