




What I got through university life

I major in architecture in Japan Women’s university. Speaking of architecture, most people think it is designing houses or public facilities, but knowledge of architecture has wide variety. Except for designing, history of architecture, urban planning, structural and environmental engineering include in the knowledge, and each of them requires specialized knowledge.

When I entered in university, I was surprised by the breadth and depth of architecture. Students take classes in each of them from foundation to application. Eventually I found that I had an interest in urban planning. In brief, this is planning parks or traffic to make daily urban life more convenient. In the future, I want to work in that field.

In addition to building specialized knowledge, I learned other things. In design class, my classmates and I worked on one assignment for weeks. I had to grasp the progress of the assignment and manage my schedule so as not to become impatient before deadline. It was a very precious experience because I came to understand my strengths and way of working on. Also, my friends who shared this hard time with me, and with whom I spent a lot of time, are treasures in my life.

Also, I experienced working in the world. While I only had the chance to interact with friends from same schools, people from different backgrounds widen my sense of value. I think that building a relationship of trust with other staffs through working together is more important than making money.

In the end, what I’ve discovered is that I have been learning about both architecture and life. These things that I have learned so far will be useful when I venture out into the world after university.


 私は、日本女子大学で建築を専攻している。建築といえば 、家や公共施設を設計することを思い浮かべる人が多いだろう。しかし、建築という学問はとても幅広い学問である。設計の他にも、建築史、都市計画、構造、環境工学などの領域があり、それぞれに専門知識が必要とされる。私は、入学当初、建築という学問の幅広さに驚いた。大学の授業ではそれぞれの領域の基礎から応用まで学ぶことができるが、その中で私は都市計画に興味を持った。都市計画は、簡潔にいうと公園や交通などの計画を行い、人々の日常をより豊かにする。将来は、都市計画に関係する職業につきたいと思っている。


