




 Two summers ago, I applied to be a volunteer at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. It was still before the COVID-19 pandemic. I applied just because I thought it might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me. After I was hired, I started working as a City Cast, who supported the city of Fujisawa, where the sailing games were to be held.
 Originally, the Olympics were supposed to be held last year, so we also received various training such as first aid. However, the games were postponed for 1 year due to the Covid-19 epidemic. The volunteer activities were also postponed for 1 year.
 There had been no volunteer activities for a while, but they finally resumed around last winter. I was involved in creating a guidebook for Fujisawa City. It was the first time for me to be involved in a project like this, and it was sometimes difficult to balance it with my studies, but I was able to learn a lot about the charm of Fujisawa City. We also received our volunteer uniforms in June this year, after we had decided on the schedules and locations of our activities were decided. I was getting more and more excited and looking forward to the actual activities.
 However, about 2 weeks before the Olympics, a state of emergency was declared in Tokyo, and it was decided that the Olympics would be held without spectators. The City Casts' activities were also cancelled. Although I was prepared for them, I was extremely shocked to learn that I would not be able to do the activities I had been waiting for 2 years, 2 weeks before they started. Even though I knew it was inevitable, I was frustrated. However, the experience of working on the guidebook and participating in various trainings should not be in vain because I believe this experience will be useful in the future. I want to continue to be proud of being a City Cast member.


 私は2年前の夏、オリンピックのボランティアに応募した。まだ中国足彩网が流行る前である。私は一生に一度のチャンスかもしれないから、という理由だけで応募した。大会ボランティアではなく、各競技を支える都市ボランティア、私はセーリング競技の都市ボランティア(City Cast)として採用され、活動を開始した。
 しかし、オリンピック開催約2週間前、東京都に緊急事態宣言が発出されたことに伴い、オリンピックが無観客で開催されることが決定。City Castの活動も中止となってしまった。覚悟はしていたが、2年間待ち望んでいた活動を2週間前に出来なくなることを知り、非常にショックを受けた。仕方がないことだと分かっていても悔しかった。だが、ガイドブック作成に携わったり、様々な研修に参加してきたりしたことは決して無駄にはならないはず。私はこれからもCity Castとしての誇りを持っていたい。