



イタリア 食科学大学 (Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche: The University of Gastronomic Sciences) への留学
家政学中国足彩网科 食物?栄養学専攻1年

Study abroad at the University of Gastronomic Sciences (Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche)

?Background of my study abroad
When I was an undergraduate, my major was food and nutrition. From both my university classes and from a wide range of experiences, such as student organizations and volunteering with the theme of "Food × 〇〇", I realized the importance of the sociological aspect of food. I therefore found a university where I could study food from a philosophical and cultural anthropological perspective, with a focus on food culture. I took an absence from my university and applied to the University of Gastronomic Sciences through the Japan Public-Private Partnership Student Study Abroad Program, TOBITATE! Young Ambassador Program.

?Classes at my study abroad destination
I chose to major in World Food Cultures and Mobility in the Master of Gastronomy program.
I learned about the food culture of various countries with classmates from all over the world.
My undergraduate research field, sensory evaluation (a method for evaluating people’s particular food tastes), was also taught in the study abroad program, and I found it interesting to learn how to quantify the deliciousness of Italian foods such as wine, cheese, and tomatoes.

?Life at the study abroad destination
Japan Culture Creation Project
I made a lot of Japanese food with my classmates, and we had a Hinamatsuri (Japanese Doll Festival) party and a gyoza (Japanese dumplings) party using Italian ingredients.

?Planning events
I belonged to a slow food youth organization called Condotta UNISG, which is a slow food organization that values traditional cooking methods and ingredients, and I participated in planning events to promote the organization.
We invited people who were participating in a project with us to reduce food loss to talk about their efforts, and together we made meals using vegetables that would have otherwise been thrown away.

?What I learned from studying in graduate school
It was very difficult because I had to not only attend lectures, but also to earn credits and write a master's thesis. However, I was able to genuinely study professionally without outside distractions, and I was able to gain a lot of experience related to food.

?Studying abroad also influenced my subsequent career path.
Based on what I learned in the program, I am now pursuing a new research project in graduate school, the "Science of Food Culture”.
Specifically, my research is a fusion of "sensory evaluation" in the science field and "food culture" in the humanities field.

イタリア 食科学大学(Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche: The University of Gastronomic Sciences) への留学

学部の時代は、「食×○○」とテーマを決めて、学生団体、ボランティアなど幅広く経験し、社会学的な部分の大切さに気付きました。そこで、食文化を中心に、食を哲学や文化人類学的に勉強できる大学を見つけました。大学を休学し、国の「官民協働海外留学支援制度~トビタテ!留学JAPAN 日本代表プログラム~」を利用して留学しました。

Master of Gastronomyというコースで、 World Food Cultures and Mobilityという専攻を選択しました。世界中からの友人とともに色々な国の食文化を肌で学びました。


Slow food youth の団体Condotta UNISGという、伝統的な調理法や食材を大事にする、スローフードの団体に所属しイベントの企画をしました。

