




Diary of Observations on the Way to School

 I live in Shizuoka city in Shizuoka Prefecture. Shizuoka is not a big city, but not too rural either - it is just the right size. How I get to Japan Women's University in Tokyo is by Shinkansen. People around me often think it is too far away, but actually, it does not take long. If I take the Hikari, I can get to Tokyo in just 35 minutes! So today, I would like to talk about my daily life on my way to school.
 I usually listen to music or watch on-demand lectures during my commute, but in addition to looking at my smartphone, sometimes I also look outside. The view changes depending on the time of day and my seat, but I can notice the characteristics of the land. I never get tired of seeing the view change from a place rich in nature, to a beautiful beach, to a place filled with skyscrapers. Furthermore, the weather is not always the same. Sometimes it rains in my hometown, but not at all in Tokyo. I once saw the boundary of the weather when I was on the Shinkansen. Half of the sky was covered with clouds, while the other half was a cloudless blue sky. I was very happy because it is very rare to see such a scene.
Also, on public transportation, where everyone gathers, I can encounter many different scenes. I think I have been able to have many experiences that I would not have been able to have if I did not go to this school from home, such as responding to a foreigner who asked me how to ride the Shinkansen, or picking up and handing in a small child's lost items.
 I would like to continue to discover even the smallest of events and make them my own memories.



 通学中は音楽を聴いたり、オンデマンド講義を見たりすることが多いのですが、スマートフォンを見るだけでなく、時には外を見ることもあります。時間や座席によって見え方が変わり、その土地の特徴は窓から見える景色によって分かります。自然豊かな場所、美しいビーチ、高層ビルが立ち並ぶ場所と、景色が変わっていく様子は見ていて飽きません。さらに、天気もいつも同じとは限りません。地元では雨が降っていたのに、東京ではまったく降っていないということもあります。私は以前、新幹線で天気の境目を見ました。空の半分が雲で覆われていたのに対して、もう半分は雲一つ無い青空でした。こんな光景はめったに見られないので、とても嬉しかったです。また、色々な人が集まる公共交通機関では、さまざまなシーンに出会うことができます。 外国の方に新幹線の乗り方について聞かれて対応したり、小さな子どもの落とし物を拾って届けたり、自分が家から通っていなければ出来ない経験を沢山することが出来ていると思います。
