




My Experience in Vancouver

From November 2021 to May 2022, I studied English in Vancouver, Canada. It was hard to leave Japan and enter Canada due to COVID-19. Nevertheless, I am glad that I went because I was able to experience different culture and broaden my perspective. Vancouver is the city that is rich in diversity, so I was able to meet people with various cultural backgrounds. For example, people from South America started dancing whenever they heard music, even outside and in class. If they did the same thing in Japan, people would look at them strangely but in Vancouver, nobody cared. I felt this freedom was so nice. Moreover, in class, my teacher asked us one day, “how do you feel if somebody gives you money for no reason?” I answered, “I don’t want to get money from anybody for no reason. I’d rather make my own money.” However, my classmate from Europe replied, “I’d be happy to take the money because I can use that money to buy a gift for the person who gave me the money.” From these experiences, I found that people from different parts of the world react to the same thing differently, and just because they are different does not mean that they are wrong. Furthermore, I feel that my English skills improved significantly even though I stayed in Canada for only half a year. In fact, I felt my improvement when I found that I was infected with COVID-19 on the day before I was supposed to go back to Japan. I had to change my flight, and reserve a hotel room for people who were infected with COVID-19. I was able to do all of these myself. My experience of studying abroad in Vancouver, Canada changed the way I look at things and made me more confident in using English.

